Casey B. Keith
REALTOR® Assistant Property Manager
License # SA641720000

Arizona Property Management & Investments
7025 N 56th Ave.
Glendale, Arizona 85301
Office: (623) 435-6633 ext 105
Toll Free: (888) 777-6664
Fax: (888) 777-3711
About Me
As a licensed real estate agent from 2011-2017 in Arizona, Casey lived and worked in Scottsdale serving the needs of Buyers and Sellers, Landlords and Tenants. She worked as the property manager at Arizona Property Management & Investments in 2012.
As 1999 Cornell College Graduate, she earned 3 Bachelor degrees, in Secondary Education, Latin American Studies and Spanish. In 2004 Casey Co-founded Rodent Proof, LLC helping Arizona homeowners make their homes impenetrable to rodents and preventing HANTAVIRUS by providing professional bio remediation services to effected properties. In 2016 Casey Co-founded Big Papa Foundation of Colorado to offer free educational services and resources to families in crisis.
After a short time living near family in Chicago, Casey has returned to again serve the clients and tenants of Arizona at Arizona Property Management and Investments. She now lives in Glendale, Arizona and is the mother of 2 and is devoted to her 4-year-old feline, Libby